Assessment and Monitoring of Student Progress: A Video Investigation

assessment 3rd grade
April 20, 2023
Ethical Dilemmas
April 20, 2023

Assessment and Monitoring of Student Progress: A Video Investigation

Monitoring student progress does not always refer to an end of the unit test. More often, educators are accessing this information after lessons and activities to assess student learning, application, and retention of the content. This information also guides future learning. The authors of our required text, Cohen and Spenciner (2009) state, “good teaching always begins with an understanding of what the student already knows and can do,” (p. 125). Conducting frequent assessment helps teachers to adjust instruction in order to target the learning objectives and long-range (IEP) goals.This webpage (Links to an external site.)offers a series of short video vignettes designed to offer easy to implement informal assessment strategies.  Choose one of the following to review:Infinitely Reusable Folders for Practice and AssessmentText What You Learned: Using Technology to AssessCommunicate Learning With Silent SignalsMy Favorite No: Learning From MistakesPatterns Folders: A Literary Analysis ToolClipboards: A Tool for Informal AssessmentThe Stoplight Method: An End-of Lesson AssessmentInitial Post: After reviewing the Week One Instructor Guidance, Chapter 5 of your required textbook, and one of theshort videos of your choice(Links to an external site.), post a substantive initial response fully addressing each of the following:In no more than two paragraphs, explain the role of assessment in monitoring student progress using evidence from at least two scholarly sources to support your explanation.Consider the Week One “Instructor Guidance” page elaboration about assessment and monitoring student progress, the assessment methods described in Chapter 5 in the course textbook, and the conversation among peers and the instructor thus far about contemporary practices for measuring and evaluating student progress in the “Post Your Introduction” discussion. In no more than two paragraphs, summarize what you know about assessment and monitoring student progress and what you would still like to learn (i.e., anything about the topic of assessment and monitoring studentprogress that is unclear for you at this point).Citing the specific video from the link provided, as well any additional source(s), including your required course textbook, list at least three strategies for monitoring student progress that you could include as part of a lesson plan for students with mild to moderate disabilities.TextCohen, L. & Spenciner, L. (2009)Teaching students with mild and moderate disabilities: Research-based practices(2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publication.

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