IT Quality Assurance
January 26, 2023
“Cybersecurity” Analyze the connection between corporate governance and a company’s cybersecurity posture. Provide at least three (3) points to justify whether or not there is an impactful relationship between corporate governance and a company’s cyberse
January 26, 2023

ass 2 dr

Exercise 2-1Using a Web browser and a search engine, search the terms “BP deepwater disaster plan failure.” You will find many results. Select one article and identify what that article considers a shortcoming in BP’s planning. What part of the contingency planning process came up short (IR, BP, or CP)? How could the shortcoming have been prevented?Exercise 2-2Using a Web browser and a search engine, search the terms “CitiBank backup tapes lost.” You will find many results. Select one article and identify what that article considers a shortcoming in CitiBank’s planning. What part of the contingency planning process came up short (IR, BP, or CP)? How could the shortcoming have been prevented?Exercise 2-3Using a Web browser and a search engine, search the terms “I-35 bridge collapse and response.” You will find many results. Select at least three articles to skim through for the impact on human life, then answer this question: Did contingency planning save lives in this disaster?Exercise 2-4Visit the article abstract at ­w­w­w­.­n­c­j­r­s­.­g­o­v­/­A­p­p­/­p­u­b­l­i­c­a­t­i­o­n­s­/­A­b­s­t­r­a­c­t­.­a­s­p­x­?­i­d­=­2­4­6­5­8­2. Read the abstract, and then answer this question: Do you think having a simulator for training and readiness would help or hinder the quality of response to contingencies? Why or why not?

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