Article Analysis #3 for Effective Curriculum Planning in K-12 Schools: Planning, Processes, and Implementation

April 23, 2023
Assessment Discription
April 23, 2023

Article Analysis #3 for Effective Curriculum Planning in K-12 Schools: Planning, Processes, and Implementation

Choose two peer-reviewed articles to construct article analysis #3.  Students will research the curriculum development process of Common Core. Students will provide an analysis on whether Common Core has worked for American schools.Select related articles to the topic at hand and locate two relevant articles from peer-reviewed journals to do some further in-depth study.Read the articles. (The articles must have been published in the last 6 years.)Write a 250–500-word (minimum of 2 pages), double-spaced, assignment number, date, Times New Roman font style, 12 font size, and areference page. APA writing style shall be used when citing references.Include the following in the analysis: Author’s most significant points: A summary of the author’s message. b. Text-to-self connections: Analyze how the article connects to your content and teaching practice. Use specific examples and elaborate on the use of the ideas. c. Questions and Criticism: One paragraph of doubts, challenges, and lingering questions.Refer to APA Reference Sheet for guidance in citing the author(s) in the text and reference page.The reference page isnota part of the 2 to 3-page report. The reference page isalwaysseparate.A template on how to construct an analysis was provided for you to utilize for organization and development.

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