apply atkinson and shiffrin model of information processing

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March 23, 2023
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March 23, 2023

apply atkinson and shiffrin model of information processing

Sport Psychology

APA Formatting

Graduate level writing

Minimum of 400 words

2 cited scholarly sources

Psychological Skills Training is the efficient practice and application of mental training tools or skills designed to enhance performance……. increase awareness and control, commitment, self- confidence, and the understanding that failure is information not a reflection of who we are….As a result, the performer develops the ability of self-regulation.

We begin our Psychological Skills Training journey by examining Attentional control, which includes concentration – selecting and maintaining focus on relevant cues, filtering irrelevant cues, and shifting attentional focus. How do we maintain a focus and conscious awareness of key movement and performance cues?

From our Systematic Achievement Motivation model, we are looking at the “why of selection”………

Select a sport skill of which you are familiar, for example use power lifting move “clean”:

Apply Atkinson and Shiffrin model of information processing to the learning and performing of your skill:

What are the relevant learning and performing cues for this skill?

What are the typical irrelevant skills that must be filtered out?

What do you suggest as the key focus of attention to perform this skill successfully?

Identify one possible mental training tool that could be used to enhance performance, explain how you might apply this tool.

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