API (Application Programming Interface)

January 27, 2023
Management Information Systems
January 27, 2023

API (Application Programming Interface)

DirectionsBased on the topic of your Course Project, find a relevant public API and submit the following information about it:1. A short one paragraph summary on how this API will benefit the system proposed in the project.2. A sample request to this API; download the result of the request and provide either a visual or statistical summary of the data.For example, if you use an API that returns a list of geographical coordinates, you may import them to Google maps (Links to an external site.).If you are familiar with Excel or other statistical software, you can produce either a meaningful chart or a simple statistical analysis of the data. For example, if your data consist weather information for 30 days, you can compute an average weather, or draw a chart of the weather for that period.Most likely, you will need to convert a JSON data into CVS (or Excel) you can always use tools like this JSON Converter (Links to an external site.).  (Links to an external site.) Note that not every object can be converted into a meaningful spreadsheet. Most likely you will want to have a list [] on the top level of the JSON structure, in order for each of its elements to be converted to a row.

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