ap quot says does quot amp outlining exercise

prepare a 10 15 slide powerpoint presentation with speaker notes that examines the significance of a nursings organization s culture and values
March 17, 2023
instructions 4
March 17, 2023

ap quot says does quot amp outlining exercise

Moving from the CP to the AP – a question of historical coverage

Over the past few weeks you’ve amassed quite a bit of knowledge regarding the historical problem you’ve researched. Moving beyond the CP, your job is now to translate your knowledge of that history into concrete solutions – to advocate.

Good news! All that research was not done in vain. In order to successfully advocate for a solution, you should also give your audience detailed information about your topic. This information is key to displaying to your reader why your advocacy solution is both feasible and, hopefully, inspiring of action.

You might be asking: how do we fit all of that research (1700-2000 words!) into this new genre of writing?

Using the says/does model of reading and rhetorical analysis, compare and contrast the following CP and AP. In the process, attempt to construct a reverse-outline – of what the text’s sections DO and HOW they do it. I

CP Sample

AP Sample

In addition to your reverse outline, answer the following questions:

How do both samples provide a historical account of the problem (artifacts, scholarly articles, a historical event)? What is the historical breadth/scope?

How many examples of the problem does each text provide in their diagnosis?

What audience does each text address in their writing?

Given the diagnosis of the problem in the CP, how did the author transition and refocus their project in the AP? Does their advocacy solution address the cause of the problem, the problems effects/impacts, or both?

Which of the five rhetorical techniques from the AGTW (causation, coverage, cost/benefit, feasibility, and comparison) did the author use in presenting and arguing for their advocacy solution? List them and describe how the author


After completing this exercise, download the AP essay. Begin to outline your introduction and first body section (the historical section) using both your CP repurposing plan, and the insights you’ve gained from the “Says/Does” comparative exercise. Include that provisional outline in your answers to this assignment.

CP Repurposing plan

Assessing the Problem


Plan to keep the Paragraph

Purpose of the Paragraph

Any Changes Needed

Introduction #1,


The Paragraph will introduce the state of the problem.

-include Attempts to solve the problem

– Remove the argument that boys play videogames more than girls



To demonstrate the effects of the problem

-Include what has been done to address the effects.

– Eliminate the sentence focusing on children and adolescents.



To identify a specific cause of the problem

-The Paragraph will focus on how such a factor can be solved.

– Remove review on counterarguments







To demonstrate the influence peers, have to videogame aggressiveness

– Re-emphasize peer recognition

-The long-term effect of videogame frustration will be removed





# 7


To show how the level of expectation to win is a problem

-The lack of control on the outcome of the videogame will be emphasized in need of a solution.

-The sentence ‘the inability to master the game controls, and the difficulty of the game is the leading cause of aggressive behavior’ will be modified.

# 8


Outline possible solutions to the problem

-Boosting the confidence of the player will be rewritten

-The sentence on videogame content will be modified

# 9 Conclusion


Will serve as the secondary statement of the problem

-Restatement of the problem will be eliminated


An Outline of the paragraphs you will still need to write be

There is a need to write other paragraphs not included in the CP paper to complete the advocacy paper.

  1. A paragraph on the attempt made to solve the social problem. The primary argument in this paper will be that there are several limitations to the available effort. Several claims will be made to support the primary argument. This will include the claims that the solution fails to focus on the actual cause of the problem. Second is that the solutions fail to focus on all possible causes and how they interact. Finally, there is a claim that the breadth of the user value is underexplored in the research.
  2. There is a need for paragraphs to propose primary interventions. The argument is needed for enough training to users in various community groups on how to overcome the implications of the gaming process.
  3. Another program is justification for the solution. The argument is that this will be a better alternative over other possible solutions.

What research have you already found that will be useful

There is research that I have already gathered about the advocacy paper. There is research which demonstrates that the prevalence of videogames is high for all populations. This means that there is a need for an effective solution which will be applicable for all persons. First research shows that most of the analysis on the problem of player’s aggression focuses on the content of the videogame and not the process. This means that most policies governing the problem focus on the restriction of the content of the videogame. Another research is that videogame content and the process outcome are in equal risks of causing players aggressiveness.

What research or evidence do you still need to find?

There are research and evidence which I need to find to complete the advocacy paper. First, there is a need for all the possible solutions to the problems as included in the scientific research. The primary intention is to explore the strength and the weakness of all the possible solutions to the problem. The research will add to the available information that there are limitations on how researchers focus on the issue.

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