February 1, 2023
Please choose a topic (tentative, you can change it if you feel you need to later) for your 4000 class project research paper. On a Microsoft word document, please describe that topic and submit that document.
February 1, 2023

Answer discussion questions

Instructions:Do not write questions in the answers documentFormat: APA, Double spaceReferences: at least 3Pages: 2No plagiarismDiscussion Questions1. Visit the NetMotion Web site (www.netmotionwireless.com) and access and read other Mobility XE success stories. Discuss the patterns that can be observed in the benefits that Mobility XE users have realized via its deployment and use.2. Do some Internet research on the security implications of HIPPA requirements for hospital networks. Discuss the major types of security mechanisms that must be in place to ensure hospital compliance with HIPPA requirements.3. Do some Internet research on the use of VLANs in hospitals. Summarize the benefits of using VLANs in hospitals and identify examples of how St. Luke’s could further enhance its wireless network by implementing VLANs.

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