kant and hegel
April 11, 2023
construction management 6
April 11, 2023

answer below question 8

For many IT professionals, managing device virtualization and cloud deployment is a daunting task. To facilitate the process, various companies offer an off-the-shelf-product that offers life cycle solutions for managing private cloud deployments and optimizing the underlying virtual devices. Given the current research paradigm, discuss how cloud-management considerations may vary across the life cycle of a cloud-based solution. In this sample, you will play the role of the subject matter expert (SME) making a decision for your organizational needs. Outline the overall modular process from planning, integration, maintenance, and finally termination.

Support your discussion with information and examples from your text and your experiences. Source citations should be in conformity with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.).

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