and u should answer a discussion ohnny graduates at the end of this term he has been actively searching for the right job in his field of study the perfect job was finally advertised and it s with a company johnny really wanted to work for he quickly

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and u should answer a discussion ohnny graduates at the end of this term he has been actively searching for the right job in his field of study the perfect job was finally advertised and it s with a company johnny really wanted to work for he quickly

and u should answer a discussion : Johnny graduates at the end of this term. He has been actively searching for the right job in his field of study. The perfect job was finally advertised and it’s with a company Johnny really wanted to work for. He quickly prepared his resume and cover letter and was successful in getting an interview. After carefully preparing for the interview, Johnny was successful! He got the job.

During this process, Johnny thought he needed a little extra “ammunition” in his job hunt. He exxagerated just a little on his GPA and listed an internship that he applied for but did not get.

  • Was he justified in his actions?
  • Since he has been hired, does he have anything to worry about?
  • If you were in human resources at this company and just uncovered the information, what would be your reaction?
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