analyze various actors their options power an influence in burma pipeline case using bruce bueno de mesquita s game theory for policy outcome

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analyze various actors their options power an influence in burma pipeline case using bruce bueno de mesquita s game theory for policy outcome

Hello friend,

I’m in the middle of a move and could use a little help. I’m an ok writer/student, so please don’t feel like this must be some amazing paper. Just try to meet the requirements below. I just copied and pasted the requirements. Maximum 8 pages double spaced. The latest I would need it is 21 July 2019 by 6pm (Eastern Standard Time USA)

Please use the method outlined in Bruce Bueno de Mesquita’s book (available on google books for free called “The Predictioneer’s Game” ISBN 978-0-8129-7977-0 & it’s also summarized in the attachment & you can also google search a summary of his game theory, etc) to identify various actors involved in the Burma Pipeline case (see the case in uploaded docs), analyze their options, power, influence and issue salience based on the information presented in the Burma Pipeline case study, and make a prediction about the possible outcome.

Please note that you do not have to do the computer modeling beyond the first round of negotiation. Also, your analysis should be entirely based on the Burma Pipeline case. You are not expected to do external research for the details of the case.

The paper should be no more than 8 pages, double-spaced, with font size 12.

A good paper: 1) Policy options are plausible and clearly identified; all the important options are listed and logically arranged along the policy continuum. 2) All the relevant stakeholders are clearly identified; the list of stakeholders included in the analysis is reasonable and complete 3) Full and thorough understanding of all of the stakeholders and their position, influence and issue salience; the ISP numbers assigned to all the actors are reasonable and clearly justified 4) Policy outcome is clearly stated and explained; policy prediction formula is correctly followed

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