evidence based practice poster
April 3, 2023
psy 600 assignment wk2
April 3, 2023

analytical essay 3 1

In an essay of 4 to 6 pages (1,000 to 1,500 words), please answer the following prompt. I expect you to write your essay based on the assigned readings, on class forums, and on lectures and other video materials presented on the web site. I do not expect you to supplement these sources with outside research.

I also expect you to provide appropriate citations to your sources. If this is the text, you should use parenthetical endnoting with specific page references (e.g. Ginsberg, et. al. 2019: 41). If you are citing a lecture, you should provide the lecture number. Videos should be named using the title from the web page. Please cite forum posts by the author’s name and the date of the post.

Analytical Essay #3

Congress has constitutional, institutional, and political sources of power. Of these, the constitutionally delegated are arguably the strongest. In an essay, analyze the constitutional powers of the Congress and assess how Presidents in the 20th Century were able to use their institutional and political resources to challenge Congressional dominance of U.S. national politics. In your opinion, based on the evidence that you have presented, what is the likely future balance of power between Presidents and Congress? Why?

These essays are designed with twin purposes in mind.First, I want you to apply material presented in lectures and assigned readings in order to describe and analyze this material in response to a specific question. You will be able to answer the questions based on class materials– the lectures, the videos, and the readings from the assigned text; you are not expected to conduct outside research. My second purpose is to encourage you to focus your writing on making an argument based on evidence from the class readings, lectures, and forum discussions. I will offer some tips about writing your analytical essays, but I would strongly encourage you to clearly state a thesis early in your essay and use the evidence you present to defend that thesis. Style and Citation Rules : Your grade will be based on the quality of your answer and the quality and strength of the writing. I strongly recommend that you use a style manual that provides you with tips on good writing and the proper format for endnotes and citations.

link for reading: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_MwuczXWSqv_Z4QK…

tip of writing: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kIDeW5nn2pB7NuiD…

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