administration and funding discussion tee

nursing interventions discussion 4
October 7, 2021
2 references
October 7, 2021

administration and funding discussion tee

TE 512 – Administration and Funding

Book for this class is: Using Bolman and Deal’s Reframing Organizations

Ebook file:///C:/Users/J00032285/Downloads/Reframing-Organizations-Artistry-Choice-and-Leadership.pdf

Due Sep 13 by 11:59pm

Class Discussion Chapter Three

Read chapter three and answer one (ANSWER ONY ONE) of the following questions:

1. What is a core premise of the structural lens?

2. In what situations is a tightly controlled, top-down organizational structure effective? In what situations is it ineffective?

3. What are the “structural imperatives” identified by Bolman and Deal? In other words, what is the universal set of internal and external parameters that organizations need to respond to when choosing its structure?

4. How does structure influence what happens in the workplace?


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