about write reflection after read the readings

issc 422 discussion response 1
March 10, 2023
asset based community development abcd plan
March 10, 2023

about write reflection after read the readings

The reflection does not need to be a formal essay. It can be in the form of a journal entry, a letter to a friend telling her/him what you think of the readings, and must not be more than a few paragraphs or a page long.

You may begin with an emotional response to the reading (hated it! loved it!) but should go beyond that to explain why you love or hate it. Your reflection must show an understanding of the arguments and themes in the reading. For example, instead of simply stating that you agree or disagree with Cathy Cohen’s main arguments, show that you understand those arguments. You might say, “what Cathy Cohen says about queer politics helps to expand my understanding of dominant narratives about Black women’s sexuality. It shows how different kinds of sexuality come to be seen as non-normative and also shows that that non-normative sexuality extends beyond people who identify as LGBT. I don’t think the kind of oppression experienced by LGBT people around sexuality is the same as the kind of oppression experienced by non-LGBT people because those in the second group still have some heterosexual privilege. However, I agree with Cohen that it is important to see the oppression experienced by the two groups around sexuality as related, so that they can form alliances in struggling against sexual oppression.” Also think of different readings in relation to each other. Do they contradict or confirm each other? Do you see a link between them and other course texts? Is there a current issue in the news or popular culture that helped you to understand the readings? Did they help you to understand something that has puzzled you?

Finally, your reflection should also pose a question about the readings. Again, the question should be about the main points or arguments in the readings rather than a request for definitions or examples that you can find yourself. As a rough guide, ask questions that cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” For example, an acceptable question is: “How is Patricia Hill Collins’ concept of ‘controlling images’ related to Omi and Winant’s concept of racial formation?” Unacceptable questions are: “What is gender?” or “Do you agree with Alice Walker’s definition of feminism?”

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