8 1 discussion linux in a personal and professional context 2

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8 1 discussion linux in a personal and professional context 2

Now that we have explored a basic understanding of the Linux OS, let us discuss the opportunities you might have to work with the Linux OS in different formats.

To begin this discussion, review several Linux-based operating systems utilized today:

Respond to the following questions:

  • What impact might Linux have on your own personal career growth?
  • Which Linux operating systems would be most useful to you, personally or professionally? (If you have experience with other Linux operating systems not listed here and would prefer to discuss them, you can do so.)
  • How would you (or how do you) utilize this OS?
  • In what ways could you utilize these different operating systems?

In your responses to two of your peers, offer feedback and discuss similarities or differences in how you would utilize the operating systems discussed. Support your responses with examples of how you could utilize the OS.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document attached.

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