6 2 discussion speech interface

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March 31, 2023
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March 31, 2023

6 2 discussion speech interface

In common use, now, are speech recognition devices like Alexa and Echo. These devices illustrate how programmers have overcome many of the earlier barriers of speech recognition and variations. Likewise, science fiction has long embraced the ability for humans to speak with computers and conduct complex operations with verbal commands. To a limited extent, this occurs presently. Moving forward, as a human factors professional, describe what you believe is a near future application that is likely to be implemented in an industrial setting using speech as the principal interface with the system. Focus on the human factors that must be addressed and indicate whether you believe this will be a short-lived application or the beginning of a longer duration industry trend. Provide at least one scholarly source to support your position. Post your observation (using APA format 500 words

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