525 and 610 classmate discussion responses 1

strategic plan part 2 internal environmental analysis 22
September 23, 2021
respond to two classmates health care systems around the world 250 words max
September 23, 2021

525 and 610 classmate discussion responses 1

250 words and 1-2 scholarly references.


This was the prompt they wrote about: Create a list of five creative questions that can indirectly explore a person’s current themes within their own career narrative (e.g., What is your favorite movie?). Which of these questions do you think will tell you the most about where a client is on their own career story?

We have to respond to THEIR response, not to the prompt.

1) Jamecia Woods

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1 (Obj. 5.2)

The following are questions that I would ask to indirectly gain insight about an individual’s career path:

  1. Who do you look up to as a role model?
  2. What is something that satisfies you on a daily basis?
  3. What is your favorite song of all time?
  4. Who is your favorite actor and why?
  5. Do you have or want kids?

Out of these questions, the one that will really tell a person’s career story, is the one about the kids. According to Brown & Lent (2013), when an individual has to adapt to a change, the change causes the individual to want to learn and develop me, with some outside event compelling the change. The reason being is because when individuals have kids, they use their kids as motivation to work harder as a way of providing for them. For example, my mom worked multiple jobs to provide for me and my other siblings. Even though our grandmother help raised us and was more than willing to assist my mom financially if needed, she was not going to depend on my grandmother to provide for us. Also, if the person wants kids, then they must be setting themselves up financially to provide for their future children. Another question that could tell a person’s career story, is who they look up to as a role model. When you have a role model, it is something about that individual that inspires you to be great. By knowing their role model, it can explain the type of person that individual want to be as far as their attributes/personality characteristics and the career that they think would be most suitable for them based off of those attributes.


Brown, S.D. and Lent, R.W. (2013). Career Development and Counseling (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

2) Courtney Glicken

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1 (Obj. 5.2)

The five questions I would ask a client are:

  1. Who do you look up to?
  2. What would your perfect day entail?
  3. What is your favorite book?
  4. What is your favorite saying or motto?
  5. How would you view your childhood?

The five questions are based on the ideas from the constructionist theory, and they are of the same theme as the type of questions seen on the Career Constructionist Interview. The first question is to examine the client’s construct of the self as actor, the second is about the client’s interests to examine goals, the third is having them tell a story, the fourth question is meant to assess their adaptability resources and adapting actions, and the last question is about character arc, and is meant to help clients guide future plans (Brown & Lent, 2013).

When deciding which question will tell the counselor the most about the client’s narrative, it is hard to choose. All five questions are meant to make up the whole story and tells the client’s career theme. The questions are meant to help the client deconstruct their past and find any problems, so the counselor can help reconstruct the theme and plot of the story (Brown & Lent, 2013). Once that is complete, conconstruction can begin, and the client can look at the occupational plot, career theme, and character arc and make any changes they deem necessary for their future, so they can put everything into action (Brown & Lent, 2013). If I had to pick one question, I would say the answer to their favorite motto would tell a lot about their story. It will tell the counselor what they value, and what they find important. A motto or saying can be kind of like a mission’s statement, and when a person knows what they are working towards, it can help guide decisions and job opportunities.


Brown, S. D. & Lent, R. W. (2013). Career development and counseling: putting theory and research to work (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

3) Kenneth Hall


Re: Topic 5 DQ 2 (Obj. 5.3)

Students please find below a list of potential resources provided for your benefit as you research support for your response to the discussion questions. Please do not feel limited or obligated to using the resources.

Bertoch, S., & Ruff, E. (July, 2008). War: The impact and implications of public policy and advocacy for the career development of veterans. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the National Career Development Association, Washington, D.C. Retrieved from http://www.career.fsu.edu/content/download/190822/1651219/1-1.

Employment Services | Goodwill of Central Arizona. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2017, from https://www.goodwillaz.org/employment-services/VRE Webmaster for VR&E Service Director. (n.d.). Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E). Retrieved March 24, 2017, from http://www.benefits.va.gov/vocrehab/index.asp

Greer, T. W. (2017). Career development for women veterans: Facilitating successful transitions from military service to civilian employment. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 19(1), 54-65.

Marquette University (n.d.). Career Development Steps: Career Development Series. Retrieved from http://www.marquette.edu/csc/undergraduate/documents/DevelopmentSteps.pdf

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2016). Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment. Retrieved from http://www.benefits.va.gov/vocrehab/edu_voc_counseling.asp

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2015). Veterans Benefits Administration Retrieved from http://benefits.va.gov/benefits/services.asp

Veterans Career Counseling Service (2015). We Make Your Service Serve you. Retrieved from https://veteranccs.com/


This was the prompt they wrote about: Why is it important for the client to collaborate in the creation of the treatment plan? Who owns the treatment plan? What if your goals are different from your client? Provide an example to support your response.

We have to respond to THEIR response, not to the prompt.

4) Jeanette Limoli

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1 (Obj. 5.1)

According to Seligman (2004), any treatment plan that is created needs to be fully developed in which means that both the clinician and the client must develop this plan together and agree upon the terms of the plan as far as what is to be expected through the counseling process, setting specific goals in which progress can be tracked so that both the client and counselor can assess if the treatment is effective and working.

It is important for the client to take part in the planning process because they need to fully comprehend and be aware of what is being ask of them. When the client takes part in the planning process, it makes them more accountable and also responsible for their actions as well as behaviors while in the counseling process.

According to There are four goals that should be targeted during this planning phase of counseling which is:

  1. Behaviorally defining the counseling concerns. 2. Making sure that the goals are achievable. 3. choosing a treatment approach and treatment plan, 4. getting a plan together that help to track progress. (Melchert, 2015)

The treatment plans belongs to both the client and the supervisor, because they both have a goal in mind and a plan in which if effective both will help the client to go from “here to there” and it will help the counselor become more effective in His selection of plans.

If the clients plan is different than the counselor, the counselor must assess the plan of the client to see if they can incorporate some of the plan but if it is going to hinder the effectiveness of the treatment plan than the counselor must find a neutral ground for the client to stand upon.

Melchert, T. P. (2015). Treatment planning. In, Biopsychosocial practice: A science-based framework for behavioral health care (pp. 183-209). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/14441-010

Seligman, L. (2004). Diagnosis and treatment planning (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Plenum Press.

5) Nicole Weil

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1 (Obj. 5.1)

Whenever you have a treatment plan with a client, it is important that both the counselor and client thoroughly go over the treatment plan. It is crucial to the client’s success for the client and counselor to collaborate and both agree upon the treatment plan put in place to follow. There are expectations of the counselor and client in the treatment plan and there are specific goals that need to be followed and met by both parties. When creating the plan, the client needs to agree that they are able to accept the process.

Both the client and the counselor are owners of the plan. They both need to be able to keep the goals in mind when they are in the sessions. You need to have both parties partaking in the treatment plan in order for it to be successful. The client needs to be able to comprehend the plan and the counselor needs to make sure that each session is based upon those treatment goals and the treatment plan.

If the client has a different plan than the counselor, than the counselor needs to access the plan to see if they can incorporate it into the sessions. If the client’s plan is not going to help or be successful than the counselor is going to need to express that to the client and come up with a different treatment plan that the client is good with and comfortable with.

Reference: SAMHSA. (n.d.). Substance Abuse Treatment Planning. Retrieved August 9, 2019, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK64138/

6) Sara Sanchez

This was the prompt they wrote about: Are culturally sensitive treatment plans possible? Why or Why not? How does the developmental stage of the client influence the treatment plan? Please include at least two scholarly journal articles in your posting.

We have to respond to THEIR response, not to the prompt.

Re: Topic 5 DQ 2 (Obj. 5.3)

The ACA Code of Ethics (2014) establishes, “Counselors communicate information in ways that are both developmentally and culturally appropriate. Counselors use clear and understandable language when discussing issues related to information consent”. (A.2.c.). If a client is unable to understand, then it is the counselor’s job to provide the necessary services to ensure the client fully understands what it is being communicated. For this reason, it is not only possible to create a culturally sensitive treatment plan, but it is a responsibility that competent counselors hold toward their clients.

The developmental stage of a client plays an important role when developing a treatment plan. There are many psychological theories grounded on developmental and thought processes. For example, the Four Cognitive- Emotional- Developmental Styles (CED) explains that individuals process information based on their emotional-developmental style. The four styles help individuals understand the world and their experiences in different ways. Therefore, the counselor uses the developmental stage of the client to influence the treatment plan by creating one that is based on the client’s stage of development; as a consequence, the client is able to function appropriately in that style.

Schwitzer, A., & Rubin, L. (2015). Diagnosis & Treatment Planning Skills A Popular Culture Casebook Approach[Second edition].

2014 Code of Ethics – counseling.org. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.counseling.org/resources/aca-code-of-e…

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