5 2 codio lesson linux users and permissions 5 3 final project milestone two scripting 7 1 final project submission backup script

need help computer essentials
October 22, 2021
during this week you are to start working on an individual research paper this will be approximately 14 pages single spaced and at least 15 references no plagiarism topic selection is cyber security in industry 4 0 the pitfalls of having hyperconne 1
October 22, 2021

5 2 codio lesson linux users and permissions 5 3 final project milestone two scripting 7 1 final project submission backup script

5-2 Codio Lesson: Linux Users and Permissions

This lesson will provide you with practice determining whether an item is a file or a directory, which users own the file or directory, and what the various permissions to modify files or directories are.

There are three points that can be earned to receive a 100% grade for this lesson.

Codio Challenge

Points Per Challenge

2.3 Changing file permissions


3.3 User accounts and security


5.3 User passwords


The estimated time to complete this lab is 45–60 minutes.


5-3 Final Project Milestone Two: Scripting

In this milestone, you will demonstrate your ability to create a basic script within Codio. You will create this script with the vi editor. The script will combine multiple commands and simplify a repeatable task.

To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document attached.


7-1 Final Project Submission: Backup Script


The final project is the culmination of all the lessons, labs, and other work throughout the course. It will help you demonstrate your ability to navigate, execute, and create a script within the Linux operating system.

The final project for this course is the creation of a fully functional script, and the demonstration of successful use and navigation of the Linux operating system.

You will complete this project in Codio in the unit titled “Final Project.” You will need to complete the “Getting Your Bearings” section in one session. You must also complete the “Executing Tasks” section in one session.

You will submit a log file of commands generated by the Linux operating system. That log of commands will reset when you exit the system: Therefore, you should plan accordingly and create your log file prior to exiting the system.

To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document attached

PS: will provide you with the codio username and password, when you accept to do the job.

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