4 3 final project outline of final project

explain how bebop was both a natural evolution of swing jazz provide 2 examples and a rejection of swing jazz also provide 2 examples while addressing all 3 of these issues approaches to improvisation approaches to composition and attitudes reg
April 8, 2023
speech critique assignment detail
April 8, 2023

4 3 final project outline of final project

I need an outline detailing the following:

Insert an introduction paragraph.

The numbered sections make up the body:

1.Physical – This may include dietary choices, the use of supplements or medicine, exercise choices, environmental factors, weight management, the elimination of tobacco use, or preventative medicine. You may consider how you will ensure optimal health care from your provider(s). If you are not sure how to proceed, think about a health condition or disease that runs in your family. What can you do to reduce your chances of getting this condition? Or, how can you ensure your physical safety?

Diabetes and high blood pressure run in my family. Many people in my family have found out that they suffer from these condition before they turn 40. To prevent this from being my outcome, I am changing my eating habits to reduce sugar and sodium intake. I have started to work out at least 4 times a week doing cardio such as country line dancing and aerobics. I take daily vitamins for women and rarely drink alcohol.

2.Emotional – You can consider stress management techniques, ways to boost your level of happiness, address your spiritual needs, and improve your sleep habits.

To help reduce my anger and stress levels, I will be starting kickboxing in the fall. I will stop trying to fix everyone else’s problem and work on building my company. I will take 30 minutes every night to reinforce my spiritual relationship with God by reading my Bible and praying.

3.Social – What would you do to improve on your existing relationships or build new ones? What considerations would be key in your being able to do this successfully?

I am more focused on improving relationships. My husband and I are going to start our date nights up again. This will allow us to spend time together outside of the kids. I am working on learning to express myself without shutting people out. I will set aside time to speak with my children about their day and life during dinner. I am also scheduling one day a month for each of my kids so that we can do things that they enjoy and strengthen our bonds.

Insert a conclusion passage.

**Be sure to consider how these changes can be implemented, based on your personality, schedule, and experiences following diets and exercise routines

Please read the rubric before starting this assignment and include at least 3 scholarly sources.

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