3 short answer video questions easy

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3 short answer video questions easy

3 Very Short Answer Questions

200 minimum words each

Must be taken seriously and present College level work

Question #1Watch videos and answer

1. Watch the video clips below to garner a understanding of how corrections, correctional facilities, and policing can be used as systems of oppression that go beyond individual victimization to adversely impacting the well being of entire families.

2.Consider the impact of strategies such as racial profiling, solitary confinement, brute force tactics, miscarriage of justice, and ineffective policing to determine how the disparities of the criminal justice system perpetuate punitive justice rather than restorative justice — a system of criminal justice that focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community at large, that adversely impact the life chances and social outcomes of the accused well after their time of incarceration.

3. Apply Symbolic Interactionism to the topic of race and the criminal justice system, using relative examples from the readings and videos, to understand how society and the accused make meaning of the criminality in society and how race and ethnic background impacts those attitudes and perceptions.

Consider these discussion questions in the construction of your post:

  • How are law enforcement practices related to racial inequality? Segregation?
  • What is the psychological impact of being stopped frequently by police for seemingly no reason? The broader impact on the community?
  • How were police practices related to civil unrest? Do you think these practices could lead to civil unrest today in your community?
  • Discuss the historical context of police brutality; how is it connected with other forms of social control?


(Minimum 200 words)


Question #2 – Write a short letter

College/University- UC Santa Barbara

Research your college or university’s affirmative action policy. What is your institution’s stance with respect to using race as a criterion in admissions? Write a letter to the administrator in charge of affirmative action, explaining why you support or disagree with your college or university’s policy. In your letter, be sure to justify your argument by drawing on what you learned in this chapter about affirmative action.




(Minimum 200 words)


Question #3 – Watch video and answer

Watch – https://wwnorton.com/common/mplay/6.11/?p=/college…

Double eyelid surgery is a controversial cosmetic procedure to make Asian eyelids appear more like those of whites. This selection considers the roles that race and power play in constructing notions of beauty.

-You must include a personal/real world/current event example of how whiteness has impacted standards of beauty

-apply one of the major sociological paradigms to the video clip (Functionalist Perspective)

Consider the questions below to develop your post after you view the “Never Good Enough” video (link provided at bottom of page),

  1. How are images of beauty linked with race? With power?
  2. Have old stereotypes about Asian women shifted within popular culture? If so, how? Why?
  3. Discuss how seemingly positive stereotypes about Asian women as beautiful and attractive are problematic.
  4. How are notions of beauty connected to politics and political conflict?

(Minimum 200 words)

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