discuss how the three components police courts and corrections apply to this case
March 2, 2023
community policing quot please respond to the following discussion question
March 2, 2023

2 replies with references

1. In this week’s discussion, students recognized the different trends that are necessary to the patient-centered medical homes’ attributes. Christian identified two trends that will impact the patient-centered medical homes. These are integrated health system and utilization of telemedicine to reduce unnecessary money expenditures. Temika talked about health movements that would increase access to health services at any point when care is needed and telehealth technological advance to consolidate patient information and plan of care. Lastly, Calington stated that patient is the center of medical care; so, collaborative approach between health professionals is essential to meet the client’s health care needs. These attributes promote high quality care and reductions on costs. However, the trends that contributes to these characteristics is unsustainable without proper financial configuration from disbursement reforms (Patel & Nadel, 2014). “For example, payment for increased patient education, care coordination, staffing for augmented practice hours and a telephone triage service, and an electronic medical record does not exist and cannot be covered by billing for evaluation and management codes alone” (Patel et al., 2014). Therefore, fee-for-service and shared savings are important to align financial resources. At a reduced costs and comprehensive care, hospital and facilities and consumers could save more money and enhance the excellence of care to prolong quality of life.


Patel, K. & Nadel, J. (2014). The Future of Patient Centered Medical Homes and Accountable Care. Retrieved from https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2014/01/16…

2. n this week’s discussion, the patient-centered primary care has been reviewed to discuss two trends that will be necessary attributes to its future. One of the trends that is necessary is to build a relationship between primary care physicians (PCP) and patients. According to Patel and Nadel (2014), “it is with their PCP that individuals establish a long-term, trusting relationship, and a focus on accountable primary care fosters health and wellbeing, beyond the provision of sick care.” This will construct a foundation of trust to promote positive health outcomes and prevent chronic illnesses. When a person trusts his or her provider, he or she will comply with the prescribed medications, followed-up appointments, and engaged in healthy behaviors to promote quality of life and healthy living. The second trend is coordination of care with other interdisciplinary personnel. “With high and rising costs and room for improvement in the quality of care delivered, national, state, and local efforts have engendered a renewed focus on primary care: in particular, person-centered accountable care” (Patel et al., 2014). Additionally, when information is shared to other disciplines and communicated properly at a timely manner, they can create plan of care that matches the patient’s health needs. It will reduce medical errors, increase healing, decrease hospital stays, and reduce health care costs. Moreover, managing their chronic conditions while collaborating with other disciplines increases the client’s survival, decreases mortality rates, and prevents the worsening of the illness (Farmer, Rose, Rubenstein, Canelo, Schectman, Stark, & Yano, 2014). Overall, the PCP are ultimate responsible for the health and welfare of their patients. It is their utmost ability to help, support, and guide their clients towards healthy living and healthy approach.


Farmer, M. M., Rose, D. E., Rubenstein, L. V., Canelo, I. A., Schectman, G., Stark, R., & Yano, E. M. (2014). Challenges facing primary care practices aiming to implement patient-centered medical homes. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 29, 555-62. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.trident.edu:2048/10.1007…

Patel, K. & Nadel, J. (2014). The Future of Patient Centered Medical Homes and Accountable Care. Retrieved from https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2014/01/16…

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