1 about art history 2 at least four pages 3 include at least three resources as evidence of your research in a bibliography no wikipedia please

write a discussion topic in more than 300 words in apa format
March 30, 2023
vw and recent csr challenges 3
March 30, 2023

1 about art history 2 at least four pages 3 include at least three resources as evidence of your research in a bibliography no wikipedia please

You will choose ONE topic on which to write. The paper should be at least four pages typed, double-spaced and use a 12 point font. You must include at least three resources as evidence of your research in a bibliography (No Wikipedia please).

1) Examine the influence of the Protestant Reformation on the art of Northern Europe. Choose at least two artists to use as examples.

2) Looking at the work of Michelangelo, examine how the changing politics and religious beliefs of the day affected his artistic output.

3) Using two to three artists as your examples, explain why the center of the art world shifted to New York after the two World Wars.

4) Using two artists as your examples, examine the difference in artistic approach between the Neo-Classicists and the Romantic artists of the late 18th and early 19th century.

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